Thursday, June 9, 2016

Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media

Social media can have both positive and negative on the everyday lives of people. It can be seen as a way to enhance relationship with friends and families, as well as reduce communication barrier, create more opportunities for business to conduct as well as increasing efficiency in communications. It can also place a negative effect in terms of being physical isolation towards the non-virtual world, it can leads to online addictions and it also have a huge impact on productivity of work. Some effects are greater than others in a both positive and negative away.


  1. Your topic on the positive and negative effects of social media on everyday lives is very interesting. Social media has been so integrated into our lives that it is hard to imagine a time when it did not exist. Because social media is very prevalent today it would be interesting to examine the changes that resulted in our behavior because of social media.

  2. Your topic is very good. I am writing about a similar topic. I am focusing on smartphones and their effect on social life and business. Your examples are very good and you should have a lot to write about.

  3. A big problem with social media, which you address is where one always feels connected, but is physically alone. People see the Internet or mobile devices as a campaign and I feel it stops people from connecting as much. Very interesting point.
