Blogs and wikis are becoming increasingly popular throughout
the years there are major increase of users on the internet. Users are
searching for information more than ever as internet became an everyday tool
people use to conduct work. Both blogs and wikis exists on the internet, both
are very similar to each other, and it’s a way for internet users to gain
information they search for, however they both have their very own distinct
differences. Some of the differences between the two is that wiki information
can be directed towards a more general an unbiased way as many users accumulate
facts and real information to create a one-stream of information relating that
the topic of interest. Whereas blogs tends to be more of an opinion sided story
where the author can set the direction of the information in ways that they proposed.
Ultimately we can look at wiki as being a collaborative piece of work from
users all over the internet and blog as being a one person or a team of writers
creating articles of their choice to voice their opinions.
The sense of convergence is very important in today’s
networked world. With the vase information across the internet platform,
research applications, blogs, wikis and social media from all over the world,
it allows people to come together and contribute on a single topic that sparks
their interest. According to Kathy E. Gill’s “How can we measure the
influence of blogosphere?” on blogging as journalism; “Participatory
journalism is a concept that embraces an expanded two-way communication between
established media and readers, allowing readers to interact with journalists
and news organizations. Today’s practice of blogging embodies these concepts of
journalism. Not only does it provide many viewpoints on shared experiences, but
it often also serves as a collective databank used to jog the faulty memories
of those who write or report for major media”. Blogs and wikis allows for
collaboration of information, as multiple users can voice their opinions or
inputs on information which allows other users to receive a more vivid picture
of the information they are searching for.
One of my hobbies is going out on a boat or onshore at
various areas of Long Island to go fishing, and blog has definitely help in a
way for fishermen to provide daily fishing reports. With the help of fishermen
around the island, it allows other viewers to see rather or not fish are
migrating to an area or if the day’s catch are good. Similar to fishing,
according the Michael Wilson’s article “Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug
Raid”, a community was united by a blog to help fight criminals and illegal
activities in their neighborhood, all of the information which later alerted
and used by the police which led to a drug-raid.
Looking at wiki and blog at the same time, one of the
functions I personally think wiki should add is a comment function. This allows
those who do not wish to alter the information that is on the page to voice
their opinion or concerns. Another way for wiki is to add the approval or
disapprove function, I believe this provides a better way for people searching
for information to look for more validated information as other’s approves the
writing that’s written on the wiki page.
Kathy E. Gill “How Can We
Measure the Influence of the Blogosphere?” May 2004. Workshop on the
Weblogging Ecosystem. June 20, 2016.
Michael Wilson “Brooklyn Blog
Helps Lead to Drug Raid” June 26, 2008. The New York Times. Web. June 20,
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